The existing storm drain line and fire main line were required to be rerouted around a new building. Line locations were confirmed via locating equipment as well as “as built” drawings. Concrete and asphalt were saw cut, demoed and removed off site.
Then a new trench was excavated by our backhoe and mini ex (excavator) for the installation of the two new lines. Shoring was then installed for trench safety as required by OSHA. A new 12” SDR 35 storm drain line was then installed from the existing drain inlet to the “POC” (point of connection) from the storm drain main to the south of new building.
Confirmation of correct drain line fall was performed. Tie in’s were then made. Two new manholes with risers to grade were installed for future access to the new storm drain line system. H-20 rated cast iron frame & covers were then installed at grade.

The fire main was rerouted similarly, utilizing AWWA UL listed C900 pipe for fire service with Mega Lug MJ (mechanical joint) cement lined cast iron fittings. After completion of piping, both piping systems were pressure tested as required by the Slater site inspector.
Then the excavated area was backfilled and compacted with compaction tests throughout the backfill procedure to grade. Concrete was dowled with ½” rebar and epoxy, then the concrete and asphalt were poured and patched back to final grade.
The site area after completion, all safety equipment IE; delineators, safety cones and caution tape were removed from site. High pressure hydro equipment was then utilized to wash down the construction area for final clean-up for vendor and employe use.